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Ministry that builds, strengthens, edifies, and equips... which provides fellowship, counsel, cooperation and encouragement for the individuals and churches of the Regional... that's what we want to see accomplished in our Regional. 


Our Regional consist of multiple churches across three states and we gather together at least three times a year for our Regional Conferences. We would love to see you at our next conference!

Purpose Statement

“Enhancing the strength of the Church by equipping for, and encouraging toward ministry partnership to achieve Great Commission objectives.” 

In cooperation with the staff at the IFCA International Home Office, Regional Presidents serve as part of the National Ministry Team in order to:

  • Connect congregations with one another to share ministry ideas and strategies.

  • Support pastors in their ministries and personal spiritual growth. 

  • Provide congregations with tools for church health. 

  • Provide a strategy for church planting within the Regional. 

  • Intervene in church conflict situations to bring godly resolution. 

  • Help congregations find pastors. 

  • Ensure high pastoral standards through licensing and ordination councils.

  • Give leadership to support ministries such as Christian camps. 

  • Encourage discipleship for teens through Regional & National youth activities.

  • Provide mentoring and encouragement for pastors and church leaders. 


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